
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Xvision Children - Skyrim Children Overhaul - v2.2 Updated with patch for the USKP, original faces back

As always, this mod has no nudity, and I don't condone such things. Please don't use the mod for these kind of things, thanks.

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This mod changes how children in Skyrim look.

Download version 2.2:

 Xvision Children - Main: [BSA] - [LOOSE FILES]

Xvision Children - Hearthfire Patch: [BSA]

Xvision Children - USKP Patch: [Here]

Download Bugsbugme versions


Remember to read the readmes.

Update: Updated original version with an USKP patch and a new base textures. I might make compatibility patches for things I can make compatibility patches.

Name: Xvision Children - Skyrim Children Overhaul
Version: 2.2
Date: 24/07/2013
Category: NPCs

This mod changes how children in Skyrim look.

One day I decided I was sick of potatohead children. They're all the same, and probably the ugliest creatures in Skyrim, only second to Hagravens.

This changes female children faces to use Enhanced Character Edit for the meshes and Univision Face for the textures, and the male children to use Better Facegen for males and a blend of the Univision
face with Final Younger Characters. All credits for these go to the authors of these mods.

It also gives children a custom Underwear. This is so they don't get a huge seam if you happen to remove their clothes (you however can't, normally). The mesh I used for the female underwear was Oblivion's "Minibloomers recolor",
and for the skin itself some body mod which its author I don't know. For the males, an edited Male Body No Hairy, and an edit of the Better Males mesh (_0 weight only).

It also replaces female children clothes with a fixed version by Haishao so they get no neck gaps when dressed, and an edit of the male children clothes I did to fit to the male body mentioned up.
Also Babette has a slight texture edit for her clothes, they have something to identify her as part of the DB.

About the male children... some of them might look like dwarves to you. Your mileage may vary, in my opinion, I prefer somewhat variated dwarves to WE ARR ROOK THE SAME potatoheads.

Another BIG FIX in 2.0 is, I fixed the children not looking up when they see someone taller than them. I modified the skeletons I was using a bit (scaled the NPC bone to make them as tall as the vanilla
skeletons without modifying the other bones individually) and then set the children races heights back to 0.8. Notice there's no optional folder anymore, because the children now use a skeleton named
skeletonkids and skeleton_female_kids for males and females respectivelly.

Another somewhat big fix in 2.1, I fixed the conflict custom races which copied the armature data from the default race had. This means the kids can be made playable, I included the plugin which has their
races set as playable. Any other fixes, like combat data, copying headparts from other races with racial compatibility and such, I'll leave it for someone else, since I don't really care about playing
as a kid. This also allows kids to be able to use almost any armor in the game, and any added custom armor. So I'd say you can customize it as much as you want to.

About the playable version, it could be better. It's usable though, and modifying the mod should make the races behave as any other race, but I don't care about playing as a kid. As of 2.2, it's no longer
supported. Don't ask for it, any comments asking for this will be ignored.

If you're updating from 2.1, you must clean your save from xvision children, then install this one. To do that, just make sure you're some place with no kids,
save, uninstall xvision, load your save, wait like 24 hours, save again, then install this version.



Extract the contents of the 7z files into your Skyrim install folder. The order doesn't matter, just have in mind, just have in mind you require the main
mod for everything else.

Wrye Bash:

1. Put the 7z files in wherever you put your bash installers.
2. Open Wrye Bash.
3. Go to the Installers tab. It might take a while to load depending on how many mods you have.
4. Right click on a mod, click on install. The order doesn't matter, just have in mind, just have in mind you require the main
mod for everything else.

I recommend installing this with Wrye Bash, since uninstalling it is easier later. NMM might work too, I have no idea.

Load Order

The load order as of 2.2 should be (from the top):
    Hearthfires.esm (if you have it)
    Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp (if you have it)
    xvisionchildren - uskp patch.esp (if you have the Unofficial Skyrim Patch)


If you installed the BSA version, follow this:
1- Save at some place with no kids around, preferably a cave.
2- Exit the game.
3- Disable the plugins.
4- If you never want to use the mod again or a later version states to do this, erase the plugins and
their respective BSAs and BSL.

Wrye bash can do this automatically too. I suppose NMM too.

If you installed the loose files version, follow this:

Again, I recommend using Wrye Bash to install/uninstall, it's much faster.

Wrye Bash:

1. Open Wrye Bash
2. Go to Installers tab
3. Right click on the mods.
4. Click on uninstall.


1. Start NMM or Skyrim's launcher, disable any of the esps in this mod.
2. Delete the files/folders as I explain here:

In "Data\meshes\actors\character\character assets" erase the file skeletonkids.nif, and at "Data\meshes\actors\character\character assets female", the file skeleton_female_kids.nif.

In the folder "\Data\Meshes\Actor\Character\FacegenData\Facegeom\Skyrim.esm\" erase the following files:


In the folder "Data\meshes\actors\character", erase the folder "xvisionc"

In the folder "Data\textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\Skyrim.esm" erase the following files:

Erase the tga files too if you have them. I included them in 1.0 by mistake. Again, sorry about that.

In the folder "Data\textures\actors\character", erase the "xvisionc" folder.

In the folder "Data\meshes\clothes", erase the "Childrenclothes" folder to go back to vanilla meshes.
In the folder "Data\textures\clothes", erase the "Childrenclothes" folder to go back to vanilla textures.

Finally, delete the .esm and .esp files you were using.

Any mod that modifies Children races or Children NPCs. Seriously, be careful with this, when I say ANY mod that modifies children races, I mean it.

Known Issues or Bugs
Non-playable version:
Kids will get oversized when they use the forge or stuff like that. I can't fix it, that in fact happened with the vanilla ones. Blame Bethesda for that.

No other problem I know of.

Playable version:

Kids don't have a working weight slider for their underwear, so using anything over the lowest weight will result in a huge gap at the neck.


2.2, 2013/07/24 -    Changed the way the mod works. Every resource is in a master, and the NPCs are changed with plugins. Thanks to bugsbugme for doing it first.
                    Playable version no longer supported. It's a pain in the ass. Don't ask for it. I don't care about it.
2.1, 2012/10/09 -    Fix conflict with custom races when copying the armature data from the default race (this wasn't the actual problem).
                    The playable version is back, but still not supported (mostly because I don't care about it). It should be fine now though.
                    Cleaned the plugin a bit, it was editing the femalebretonpresets, not anymore.
2.0, 2012/09/21 -    Replaced male children.
                    Fixed children not looking up when they talk to someone taller than them.
                    Fixed neckseams on girls.
1.0, 2012/05/16 -    Initial release.


- Dragonborn patch, in case bugsbugme's version doesn't work with this. Or maybe fix that one so it works with this master.


Thanks to Enhanced Character Edit and Univision Face authors (tktk and RAN46 respectively), since their meshes and textures together are useable to replace potatohead female children.
Thanks to Better Facegen for Males, No Hairy Male Body, Better Males and again Univision Face authors, I used these resources to somehow replace potatohead male children (they look like dwarves
I know, but some people told me they prefer dwarves to the old ones, me, I don't give a crap abut anything else than replacing the potatoheads).
Finally DemWaifus steamgroup for making some faces.

As of 2.2 I use SG Females Renewal with Univision lips for the girls, so thanks to hellosanta. For the boys now I use a project painted version of the original children faces on the guys, so thanks to Bethesda?

Tools Used
Readme Generator
Skyrim's Creation Kit


  1. Impressive dude. So now we can have your Schierke race as a proper child race, is it?
    Anyway, my compliments once again.

  2. Can't get any custom hair to work with this.

  3. Thanks for the update! I was using the previous version with just the girls and it looked a lot better than vanilla Fallout 3 clones.

  4. hello there i must say that i have ejoyed this mod i hated those potato heads too so thanks a lot and if i may request a new version compatible with the new hearthfire dlc cuz i noticed the kids added by it show no face texture and the head looks like an adult

  5. I don't have Hearthfire yet. I will when I buy it.

  6. All Children have black skin?

    but,Thank you for mod. I very love it. :)

    1. No. You have a conflict or did something wrong..

  7. Hey, is there a way to give the boys more girly faces? Or could you make a version/patch for this?

  8. Thank you this is a lot better but I have one issue the female children don't move their mouths it is really freaky

    1. You have a conflict with something.

    2. I fixed it moved it close to the bottom of the load order thanks again.

  9. has anyone ever wondered why are there no elven kids? i mean considering the elven population in skyrim there should be a couple
    somewhere around

  10. Great mod.

    My only problem is that when I use the playable version my character wont regenerate magicka or health. is there a way to fix that?


    1. No idea. The orc race has a similar defect in vanilla Skyrim too. It might be inside the combat data table, which I think I already said I didn't touch.

    2. There is a fix located here (I don't know if its for the right version as I fixed the problem myself before finding this and it is from May of this year):

      Its actually really easy to fix, the child races simply have no values for health and mana regen. Setting these to the same values as the normal races fixes the issue. Also the children race seem to have twice the stamina regen of the normal races.

  11. First off I wanted to say this is great the kids faces annoyed the crap out of me lol.

    I wanted to edit an orphans face to make it look like it could be a child of my player character but I keep getting the dark face bug and the usual ctrl+F4 doesn't seem to fix it. Any ideas why this might be?


    1. Ctrl+f4 should work. If it doesn't I have no idea.

  12. First of all. Thank you. My girlfriend and I love your mod and are so happy you made it. Do you think you will make elven kids in the future? I don't want to pretend like I know what you did or how hard it was to do, but elven kids could technically look the same as regular kids except with different skin colors and slightly longer ears. Orc kids wouldn't even need to have exposed teeth. I hope you work on this some day as you would be the best person to do it.

    1. Eh, don't know, the scope of this mod is modifying the existing kids, not adding more.

  13. Thank you thank you, a thousand thanks! Finally, a way to make the children look unique, and not all nord clones! If you mentioned this before and I missed it I apologize, but I imagine uploading this to the steam workshop would be helpful for many people.
    Thank you again!

    1. I don't upload to the workshop, and I tried already uploading to nexus and it was a bad idea, I prefer having control over the stuff I upload.

    2. I used it when you uploaded it in nexus. I think it is a great mod and I still keep using them. I create two characters with it, I think it is awesome. I still don't understand what did them complain about. (The nudity? I don't care.)

  14. This is going to sound really strange, but do you think you can upload a standalone of the undergarments or a replacement for the vanilla races' underwear?. They are simply too cute!

    Also nice work on Babette. As the only kid (technically) that I don't dislike, it's nice to see her as a non-potato.

  15. Does this mod somehow make children killable? I was messing around and struck a child one day, and she died. Tried it again on another kid and the same thing happened. I'm not sure when it started, but this is practically the only mod I have, so I was wondering if this might be the cause.

    1. I'm curious about this. Does this make children with quest with them, killable too? (Dark Brotherhood comes to mind) Would that break the quest?

  16. There appears to be a bug in Hearthfire with adopted children AI packages, at least as far as Sofie and Lucia are concerned. Instead of idling around doing the normal child routines, they instead appear to be doing non-child actions such as mining, using the forge, chopping wood, drunkenly dancing to the bard songs, etc. Tried removing other mods, but it appears to originate from this one.

    1. No idea, I didn't edit the AI packages of the children, I only modified the appearance. Although since the CK goes stupid when you load hearthfire, who knows what might be happening.

      Kids used to do adult stuff before I made xvision children though, like hammering random walls and such.

  17. The Mod is it is one of my Must added to mods list..still now i have strage issue..used it before with CBBE body pack at skyrim nexus and it worked with a new install used UNP and all the female children faces arent lips eyes or brows just pretty frozen face..males are okay but females are totally messed up!!!!

    1. This mod is completely standalone, it only changes stuff related to children. Sounds like you messed up something on your own.

  18. can you make fully playbale children race ? ^^

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. much much better thank you so much is there a way to use custom hairs on them?

  21. oh my god! i absolutely love this! i was really looking forward to having some change in children's feature when hearthfire got out. of course my expectation failed miserably. i mean seriously why even my own child should look like anyone elses-and not even pretty. this is exactly what i was looking for. awwww thank you thank you thank you so much!
    im so sorry to ask you about this, but do you have any plan on making this just for hearthfire's added children? just that 4 of them. if so, that would be really helpful to run it more lightly. just a hopeful thought! anyway thanks again!! muahhhhhh

  22. Hey mate, is it possible to fiddle around with the nif and dds files to swap some of the styles on some characters?

  23. Bagserk, I have to inform you that current version of Xvision Children isn't compatible with Dragonborn dlc. When I activate dragonborn.esm in NMM, kids faces and lips aren't moving. Everything works fine when dragonborn.esm is deactivated. BTW this mod is great, i really love it. Keep up the great work. Best regards.

  24. BTW for those who don't know, the solution for oversized kids 'bug' is to open the console by pressing the tilde key ( ~ ), left click on the oversized child then type setscale 1 and press enter.

  25. Clean up the dragonborn.esm with latest tes5edit first. This mod works, but I note that Aeta (in the Skaal village) isn't dressed, even if trying to equip her with dresses.

  26. Just put it somewhere at the bottom of your load order. If you have a mod that edits the race, that's your culprit. So... Bagserk, any plans for Aeta? She's potatofied by Bethesda.

    1. No, the load order is okay, and it's really an issue with Aeta, so I'll have to fire up CK and fix her up.

    2. Yeah, it's actually a clothing bug with the DLC, so I came up with a fix ( The good news is that XVC superbly does away with Aeta's potato appearance, but bad news is that she needs a bit of a cosmetic fix.

    3. Thanks for your effort. I think I'll fire up CK and see if I can come up with my own personal Aeta appearance until Bagserk releases his own.

  27. Hi Bagserk, I wanted to ask permission to use some assets from this mod in a Solstheim mod I'm making that would add Dark Elf kids (I already made one in my game).

  28. (potatofied) hahaha nice one, so is there a possibility to release a dragonborn patch cuz i know crap bout CK so there's no way ican fix it myself :b thx again for this cool mod

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I noticed Mila Valentica (Whiterun - fruit vendors' daugther), and Runa Field Shild (Riften orphanage) have no face texture even after the patch~ other's are fine~

    Thanks a lot for the mod~ ^^ ~
    Made the gameplay much better~ Visual wise~

  31. @uglydemon


    @Sylence Terrence

    I don't have Dragonborn yet so I have no way of knowing what's wrong there. If you mean without Dragonborn, it works fine here and this is the first time someone tells me there's a bug like that so, again, it might be a problem with some of your mods.

  32. This a great mod! Excellent work. It always bothered me that all the children looked the same ha ha. Thank you so much.

  33. The download link doesn't work anymore? Or is this just me? Looks like a good mod though..

  34. Yeah download is broke =( mediafire claims it's a broken zip and said it contacted the author

  35. It's fixed. Read the post I did about Mediafire for more information.

  36. first its really really great mod! undoubtedly kudos for you! thanks a lot. now children of skyrim can be pretty! but can you make standalone version of hearthfire's added 4 children? your work is really amazing but kinda heavy for me. i just want my children to be pretty!

  37. Can you upload the mod somewhere else please ?

    I can't download it from, I get this error message : (in french sorry, basically it say "the user behind this file is outside the bandwidth" or something like that)

  38. Cant download the mod. The site says that the uploader is out of Bandwidth

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. 文件 解密出错 啥意思??

  42. I'm not sure what i did wrong but all the boys are changed and look great, but the girls have disappeared from the game completely. =(

  43. I fiddled with it a bit and managed to fix whatever the problem was. Now the girls are there too and so cute! Thank you for this mod i love how my daughters look in game now!

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. I would like to see a non-kill-able kids version... I tried to make one for myself and while I was able to reset the flags for the main mod the Hearthfire patch just crashes the CK... issues finding some soure files

  46. Never mind i fixed the error in the editor but making a "official" version would still be nice

  47. The boys seem to be fine and the girls are speaking nd functioning correctly, but the girls faces/heads are gone. They just have hair floating over their bodies.

  48. I was dying for this mod, thank you so much for this. Beautiful work.

  49. That's exactly what I was searching for, the childs in Skyrim looked all the same and that was really boring and non-immersive, thanks !

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Is there anyway new hairstyles can be made for the children? To change the hairstyles up from the vanilla traditional versions? Such as adding braids or long hair or even curls?

  52. OH and also... AMAZING work! What an ass of me not to tell you what awesome work you've done. i can't play another minute of Skyrim without your mod. Thank you SO much! :)

  53. For some reason I can't download the file it only gets to 52%

  54. The links were taken down because of "Claim of Alleged Infringement". Funny, because this has no resources that weren't part of other mods for character creating.

    Until I get a response from MEGA, I'm not reuploading shit. They also threatened with an account termination if said "copyright infringement" happened. Some bullshit.

    1. PLEASE upload to a new site. I made a wordpress account just to ask this.

  55. Damn,what a shame dude,i really like your mod.
    All the strength for you

  56. For some reason i downloaded the original and the HF patch, but only HF children have it. The base game ones have an adult-like face morph with textures. Kinda creepy. the load order is like that:

    [X]xvisionchildren - hearthfire.esp

    Am i supposed to uncheck or change any of these? =/

  57. Hey I'm wondering if there's any way to get this mod now? These kids are butt freaking ugly and I'm not adopting any of em until I get my paws on your awesome mod.

  58. I made a wordpress account just to type this:

    PLEASE upload to a new site

  59. PLEASE someone send this to me or upload somewhere.

  60. If someone can send it to me I can upload it to my website for all to download until the MEGA bs clears up.

  61. Nevermind, I managed to find a copy of this from Mother Russia.

    I took the privilage of uploading it to my website tempararily until the MEGA bs is fixed. I also translated the russian back into english, as well as tested it myself and both of my children no longer look like potato's! Thank you so much Bagserk for creating this awesome mod.

    NOTE: If the reasoning behind both of Bagserk's uploads being "cut off" is due to a copyright issue. By all means feel free to contact me directly to discuss this matter. Make sure you bring proof that it's yours too, 'cause I'm pretty sure it isn't.

    To Bagserk, I hope you're okay with me doing this. If you're not, please contact me via steam and I'll remove the upload A.S.A.P.

    Steam Account: thedrofhack

    1. Well, there's one thing wrong so far. The name's of the children appear to be in Russian, but it's not too bad. Still beats the heck out of potato faces.

    2. I managed to fix that russian name problem with the construction set. The reference names are still in english, so it's just the game names that are russian. it was a simple matter of copy/paste.

    3. Ahhh, okay. Could I have a copy of the one you modded? I don't really want to give out my email account on a public forum. If you have Xfire, we could transfer the mod that way.

      Xfire: ragnarok27

    4. ah i would like the mod aswell tbh :( I tried to change the names myself but for the hearthfire children there's an issue, so if you're able to do so, upload it somewhere for a while so we can both download it.

      Dropbox would be an easy solution to do that :)

      Thanks !

  62. I will as soon as I am able, until bagserk tells me to take em down.

  63. Files for this wonderful mod are no longer available, this is sad and unfortunate.

  64. Hey man, your mods are great but why do you keep posting them on mediafire or that kind of site? Why not the Nexus? A lot less broken links BS and much more convenient for the community...

    1. Dude, I second that. Which is why I'm uploaded it to my site. I'm trying to get the English .esp file if anyone has it.

    2. Because I don't like Nexus' upload rules, nor do I care to follow them.

    3. Alright, that's totally up to you and I respect that. I never uploaded anything on the Nexus so I wouldn't know about the uploading rules, but hey, if you don't like them who am I to blame you?

      Cheers anyway for these mods, much appreciated :)

  65. All right. I reuploaded the links. Let's see if Mega goes full retard again.

  66. I think it's gone full retard again, LOL!!! I can only get to 48%. All I need is the .esp file and I can upload it to a better server for ya.

    1. That's more Mega being slow, I meant them not taking down my stuff for no reason. Try downloading later.

    2. ALRIGHT!! I guess they just needed time to process it? IDK, whatever it downloaded. Thank you Bagserk.

      Because Mega has been giving you so much trouble lately with all their bs, I've uploaded a backup save incase they remove the file again. If you don't want it there just let me know and I'll remove it.

    3. I'll add it as a mirror, thanks.

    4. Cool, no problem, anything I can do to help. Thanks again for the mod, I can really appreciate the work that went into it. I've done mods for other games and I know it's not easy. This mod is one of those things that should have been a part of the game in the first place. I'm surprised it isn't featured on G.E.M.S.

    5. Hi, I was going to make my own mod with your files but instead I have just fixed up yours. I fixed and cleaned up some things in the esp and there is now an ESM to work better with dlc patches. So it contains the ESM which contains all the assets and an ESP which does all the child edits and all the patches feed off of the ESM. I added the one girl that comes with the Dragonbron DLC as well. I also made a patch to add the fixes made in the USKP. I saw you added some clothing variants but didn't utilise them, so I've added them in and also added in some for the boys. I fixed the clothing meshes so they now point to the correct skin textures.

      There are 5 option available now:

      Xvision Children - This is the base mod just for the vanilla game.
      Xvision Children - Hearthfire - This is the Hearthfire patch. Requires the base mod.
      Xvision Children - Dragonborn - This is the Dragonborn patch. Requires the base mod.
      Xvision Children - Complete - All of the above merged into one.
      Xvision Children - USKP - The patch for the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. Works with all options.

      I will also make a patch for Non Essential Killable Children later as well.

      If you want to upload these, then let me know and I will send the files to you.

    6. Hi, I am from Ukrain and I don't know English, sorry about that(
      I whant to get Dragonborn patch and USKR patch. Could you please, help me with this?
      Sorry for my bad language...

  67. I know you don't like the nexus but I thought you might like what I've done, I made a mod for your mod and added a variety of killable kids to the leveled lists.

  68. This is a great mod; thanks. I never realized just how ugly the kids in this game were until I tried this out, though now it looks like Skyrim is host to a children's beauty pageant, lol.

    I've been looking for mods to add children for all of the non-human races, and I've found good ones for the beast children (My Little Kitty/Hatchling), and some for the elven races. The problem with the latter is that they're based on the Drow race mod, whose faces and textures are rather divorced from the Lore elves.

    Anyways, I decided to make my own addon based off of your mod. I duplicated the elven races (mostly to preserve tint data) and set them up similarly to your modded child races; set the head and body morphs (XElf and Default); duplicated all of the relevant headparts and added them to appropriate formlists. I've made test NPCs and added them to the orphanage, and they've appeared mostly correct. However, I've run into two problems I haven't discovered any resolution for:

    Firstly, I'm getting a lot of warnings, such as 'HeadX is missing a facegen tint map,' 'HeadX is missing a facegen detail map,' 'Missing Skin Tint Texture For Biped Object,' and 'Could not find (and apply) race morph.' Secondly, the eyebrows don't contour to the head (probably related, lol). The default eyebrows tend to sink into the head and the child eyebrows hover over it.

    That ended up being considerably longer than I intended but I was hoping you would be able to make some sense of these issues and point me in the right direction. Regardless, thank you very much for your work on this mod.

  69. Can you fix the hearthfire patch link please :'( Im tired of sofie looking like a dwarf.

  70. I've been doing some tweaking to the kids, just making them look more like their parents. Anyway, Braith ended up with her head being lighter than her body in game. Just wanted some advice on what it could be.

  71. It would be great to add some mirror for Herthfire patch too. In original link it says that file is unavailable. Thanks for mod.

  72. Hey, thanks for your mod, it's awesome.
    Just wanted to let you know there's a compatibility issue with your mod and Inconsequiential NPCs ( which is a pretty popular mod. It adds new children to the cities, and the girl have no face. Just floating hair.

    Not sure how it could be fixeable, but just wanted to let you know.

  73. @Bugsbugme

    Sure, you're free to do as you want and I'll put the link up here if you want, as long as it doesn't have nude content. I'm also interested in how you made a patch for USKP, I'm doing an NPC mod and I'm gonna have to do that for it. Is it possible to do without re-editing the NPCs with the USKP loaded?

    -'HeadX is missing a facegen tint map,'
    Ignore it.

    -'HeadX is missing a facegen detail map,'
    Ignore it.

    -'Missing Skin Tint Texture For Biped Object,'
    If textures work, ignore it.

    -'Could not find (and apply) race morph.'
    Copy the race morph in the General tab of the Race form from an existing vanilla morph. The elf morphs are still in these tris.

    -the eyebrows don't contour to the head (probably related, lol). The default eyebrows tend to sink into the head and the child eyebrows hover over it.

    See previous.

    @regarding Dragonborn

    I don't have Dragonborn. Therefore I can't do a Dragonborn patch. If I ever get it I might make a patch.

    You're welcome to do so first though.

    @regarding the hearthfire patch

    It's back, MEGA just screwed again with it.

    @people asking for supports with other mods

    I can't give support on every other mod there is that affects children. I've already said this affects every children in Skyrim and their race, so it will obviously conflict. You'll have to find the solution yourselves, as I probably don't have said mod, nor can I be bothered with it, since I'm working on something else.

    1. There is no nudity.. that would be weird O_o. It's just your mod but I fixed a few things that needed fixing and made patches for certain things. It's designed to be a replacement for your mod.

      I used TES5edit to make the USKP patch. All I did was load the USKP along with Xvision Children and see what was conflicting. It wasn't much, just a few of the children's AI packages I think, so I just dragged them over into a new esp. In fact, you can't load the USKP into the CK, it just wont accept it.
      If you'd like any help with your mod, I'd be happy to help. I'm not an expert or anything but I have actually been working on my own NPC overhaul mod so I've learnt a few things :)

      Just out of curiosity, was the reason you didn't use the Nexus because you thought you'd be banned? Only, I think it would be easier to use the Nexus.. if not for the whole mod, at least for the patches and then direct people here for the main mod. Also, if your been having trouble with Mega, I haven't had any problems with 4Shared.

      Anyway. Here are the links to the files.

      Xvision Children - Main

      Xvision Children - Hearthfire Patch

      Xvision Children - Dragonborn Patch

      Xvision Children - Complete

      Xvision Children - USKP Patch

      I'll let you decide weather or not you want anything on the Nexus.

    2. You're free to post anything you want in Nexus, even the original plugin. I myself won't do it.

      Regarding using tesvedit to create the patch, thanks, I might try that. Not being able to load the USKP in the CK is kind of inconvenient though.

    3. @bugsbugme

      I decided to replace the old links in the main post with yours. So far what I've been able to check works great, thanks. I can't check the Dragonborn patch though, since I don't have Dragonborn.

      If you could make a patch for the other unofficial patches I'd be thankful.

    4. The USKP is the only one that needed a patch, when I made it I mean. I'll have a look now but I don't think they need patches.

      Also, you might want to put some info about them like load order.

      The Version number has changed to 3.2 for the main mod and for the Complete version. The rest are 3.1. I went through a few versions before I got them working.

      Main is the mod for the vanilla game with no DLC, it also has the ESM and is required for any of the DLC patches.
      The patches should be loaded in the same order as the DLC's they are patching. Complete has the Main mod and all the DLC patches, the USKP patch should be loaded after "Xvision Children - Complete.esp" or after "Xvision Children - Main.esp" if using no DLC. Also, I'm a girl :P

      I'll put it up on the nexus too.

    5. I checked the other unofficial patches, they don't need to be patched.

      The USKP patch needed updating though so here is the new link. Version number is 3.2 now as well.

      Xvision Children - USKP

      And the Complete version needed an edit for one of the children's outfits. No version change.

      Xvision Children - Complete

    6. Oh and here is the Nexus page

    7. I had not noticed you changed some of the kids faces. I think I'm going to make a patch myself at some point to have them look as I intended. Not right now though, can't be bothered...

      Thanks for all the work though.

    8. I made a patch for Inconsequential NPCs

      Xvision Children - Inconsequential NPCs

    9. Updated the mod again. 3.3 Now. Should work better with custom races.

      Xvision Children - Main

      Xvision Children - Complete

      I had to update the Inconsequential NPCs patch too.

      Xvision Children - Inconsequential NPCs

      And I added a patch for Non-Essential Killable Children

      Xvision Children - Non-Essential Children

    10. A new patch. This one is for Interesting NPCs

      Xvision Children - Interesting NPCs

  74. Sorry Bagserk, didn't meant to imply that you should fix it. Just wanted to pinpoint which mod was the cause for people having the same issue. ;) Thanks for your great mod :)

    Anyway, I managed to make it work :

    For those having the "no-face" issue on Inconsequential NPCs' children, it's a load order issue. Don't trust BOSS on this one, and put xvision's children further down your mod order.

    The faces will be correct, you'll still have weird texture things (different color for the body and the neck, and maybe weird distortions). It's also fixeable with the construction set, by opening Inconsequential NPC's esp (as active, with Skyrim.ems, Update.esm and xvision's children.esp checked) and then selecting the children with the issue and reexporting their face-gen data with ctrl+F4 !

    I'll leave that here if someone else is looking to fix this.

  75. Has anyone encountered an issue in which the children simply vanish from the game entirely? Could this be a conflict with inconsequential NPCs?

  76. No issue for me with inconsequential NPCs and/or interesting NPCs. You should check your load order and trying disabling mods one by one. :)

  77. Do you mind if I create compatibility patches for several mods that add children and release them at Nexus? Of course, I'll link them here for them to download yours, with my patch requiring your mod as a master file.

  78. Since this now links to an esm rather than the original esp that my mod uses, can I now include your original esp in with the download on the nexus? I don't want to make my subscribers have to use 5 separate files in addition to the ones I made and the original esp worked just fine.

  79. Wow! but... um... I liked the older mod faces better... Bagserk do you still have your original mod? I didn't experience any problems with it. I liked Lucia's old face D:

    1. I'm working on that. I'm making this use an esm and have the NPCs as a plugin. It might make it compatible with other bugsbugme's plugins.

    2. I've already reverted their faces back to your ones. I did it with TES5Edit so nly their faces and skin colour have been reverted, not their eye colour or hair.

      Here are the links to the new files

      Xvision Children - Main

      Xvision Children - Complete

      Xvision Children - Hearthfire

      Xvision Children - USKP

    3. Actually, I did it with tesvedit and they retained their hair and all. All I had to do was deep copy the NPC records to a new esp that used xvisionchildren.esm as a master and it worked. Then for the USKP patch I just deep copied the children NPC records edited by USKP, and moved the subrecords that hold appearance from xvisionchildren - main.esp to the new esp.

      I even made a BSA version for easy uninstalling.

      I also changed the base textures, so it might be a good idea to use this as a base for next patches. I'm pretty sure you could make the Dragonborn patch compatible with this .esm by just changing the master from xvision children.esm to xvisionchildren.esm.

      Please do try that, and thanks for the work so far.

  80. I've just looked at your new version. I can already see your using the old clothing meshes. I fixed these in mine, to point to the xvision skin textures. Yours are still pointing to the vanilla adult textures.
    I also changed it so that if some one is using a texture pack for eyes, they would show up on the children as well. Yours are still using the other textures, which are just copied vanilla ones anyway.
    Your esm also isn't using update.esm as a master. I did this in mine so that my esm would be updated with the new body template layout (BOD2 in TES5Edit).

    I'm not entirely sure what is happening here, but if you want it like that then I suppose that is up to you. I thought I was fixing things.
    It seems like you've just taken the old mod and and separated it into an esm and an esp.
    Does this mean you don't want my version any more? should I take it off the Nexus?
    Quite confused :/

    1. The old clothing meshes have no problems. When it's about clothes or bodies, it never matters what texture the nif is using. Not even one of my custom races have had problems with using a body mesh that points to a different texture than the texture set. That only ever applies for heads.

      I don't know what you mean about the body template layout, I'm guessing it means the Armor record for the body.

      I don't use update.esm as a master simply because I've never seen the point, considering it doesn't edit either children races or NPCs. If it does in 1.9, I'm sorry, but I don't use 1.9, I'm not updating from 1.8 until they fix the stupid facegen bugs.

      They use their own armor addons and armor records for a reason, to avoid problems with custom races, some people were saying they had problems with a custom race using your version, so I thought it might be because of something you did with the bodies. Unless you mean the texture list, which is better to fix by making a new formlist, putting the body texturesets there and use said formlist for the texture list box. This completely avoids problems when the default texture formlist is edited. I probably should do that, even though there aren't many mods that alter that, and actually altering that formlist is bound to cause problems.

      The eyes, I actually choose it to be like this, so that it looks the same for everyone. Kinda the same people does with standalone followers.

      The only thing that is happening here is that the faces were too changed and I could fix it by also having the original hairs, that's all. I also tried some other stuff with it.

  81. Body meshes don't need to point to the skin being used by a race, that only applies for heads.

    The eyes thing was a design choice, that way it looks the same for everyone.

    I don't know what you mean by body template layout, but if you mean the ARMOR records, the reason children use a different ARMOR record for the skin is because editing the default SkinNaked record will lead to nasty bugs regarding custom races.

    If you mean the textureset formlist, then yes, I should probably have fixed that.

    The only thing happening here is that I consider fixes fixes when they are fixes. This modified the overall look I gave to some of the NPCs, so it was too much of a modification. The hair is an important part of an NPC too.

    Modifications are fine, but I treat that as a fork, not as an actual fix that I should integrate in the original version.

    1. You made your own body texture. Your clothing meshes don't point to it. So the neck area will be a different colour from the head. At least that is what was happening for me, so I changed them.

      The eyes are just copies of the vanilla textures. My version still points to the vanilla textures but if someone wants to use a texture pack for eyes, then they will show up on the children as well. I suppose that isn't a fix, but I though people would like it. It also means I didn't have to re-pack textures that were already in the game anyway.

      That isn't what I meant by body template. It's the part of the ARMO record that is responsible for which parts of the body are biped. It might not be necessary, but I thought if Bethesda though to update, I should to.

      Anything else I did was just to tidy up the plugin a bit, so it was easier to find things in the CK.. and also because I'm a little OCD like that I guess lol.

      When I edited the children, I was trying to take their upbringing and environment into account. Lucia for instance, is homeless, her mother is dead and she has a horrible aunt and uncle who through her out on the street. Knowing all that, I tried to make look her upset and a little dirty.
      I also tried to lessen the lip colour on the girls, their lips were quite red, like they had lipstick.
      But all that has gone now because I changed them back.

    2. >You made your own body texture. Your clothing meshes don't point to it. So the neck area will be a different colour from the head. At least that is what was happening for me, so I changed them.

      That REALLY shouldn't happen, since the body shader doesn't care about the target textures set in the nif if you use a TextureSet for the Race's SKIN. Consider that custom races using different SKINs would have the same problem with every armor, considering that every armor's skin in the game points to the default body texture path.

      What you describe only happens with the facegen shader, which is why custom races always have (or SHOULD have) their own head mesh, even if it has no changes to the geometry.

      I get absolutely no seams on NPCs that use no complexion (no detail map), others with complexions have a slight seam because detail maps are crap. You should really look into that in your game, maybe try with no other mods and start a new game by using "coc riverwood" from the main menu.

      As for the other stuff, I don't really care about it, for me it goes as don't fix what's not broken, especially with Bethesda's games. These subrecords would only matter if you were supposed to equip kids with armors or play as them.

      You're free to leave it up at nexus, but as long as it has visual changes, I can't put it up here as the main mod. I don't have a problem with forks. I hope you understand.

  82. >Apparently though, my fixes are just modifications.

    That wasn't necessary, that's not what I said, and I'm aware that you did fix compatibility issues with other mods, I just told you that was all I thought that was necessary, and that I didn't like the appearance changes.

    But if that's the attitude, carry on, I guess.

  83. But by using the old mod, you've essentially just taken out everything I did.

    That wasn't supposed to be snarky either. I was just trying to inform people that there are two versions now. I REALLY did think I was fixing things, but apparently not. But it doesn't matter now.

    On another note.
    I'm considering transferring the race edits from the esm to the esp. This should further help with compatibility.
    You might want to do the same.
    It just means that if someone has a mod that edits the same thing, they can just put Xvision after it and there shouldn't be any problems, like mouths not moving and small heads and things like that.

    1. Actually, don't do that.
      I just remembered why I put them in the esm. So it's easier to make compatibility patches.

  84. Hey Bagserk,

    I sent you a pm on youtube, but I have a quick request if you can do one for me.


    1. I'm under usciphilly for youtube

    2. Thanks for the quick reply super appreciate it, sent you the stuff via youtube.

  85. Man, your work is amazing, I'm always stunned by your achievements! so Congratz, you're awesome!

    Now, I have a problem with Gutts voice. I can't hear it.

    The .fuz audio files are all in Skyrim folder\Data\sound\voice\skyrim.esm\MaleGuts

    Yet the character never makes any sound, not even for shouts or when getting attacked.

    1. That's not related to this mod, you know...

      Can't help you there anyways, I can't reproduce the problem on my end. I've also had no other reports of this happening. Some mod might be incorrectly editing the many voices formlists, my mod needs them to be at least the same name to insert the voices in the formlists.

      Otherwise, I don't know.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. This is a fantastic mod, glad to see someone has done this and made the kids wear underwear.....and not modified it so they run around naked.....I also have trouble with custom hair, but the kids look gr8 so this is off no bother to me....

  89. Hi there the new version 2.2 will not work with some mods like children of Skyrim and [Populated Cities 2
    xvisionchildren - main.esp is installed but
    TES5Edit is looking for Adding master "xvisionchildren.esp and cannot find it
    How can i fix this please

  90. Hey do these errors matter?

  91. This mod is a must for me. The potato-head kids of vanilla Skyrim freaked me out to no end. I have a question: how do I make my kids wear armor (especially amulets)?
    I can't give them any as a gift and I'd love my daughters to have enchanted gold pendants to keep close as protection while my character is adventuring.

    Thanks for your awesome work!

  92. I've installed this mod today,and I love how they look!
    I don't understand how I thought the kids were fine-looking up until this day.
    However,they are not killable in my game,contrary to what I've read in this thread...
    What could be causing this?

  93. im sad to hear u dont care to mod anymore this is by far the best children mod out :/ but taking a shot in the dark here can u maybe make a optional hearthfire and uskp all in one for us legendary players ? i'm heavily modded and extended towns and cities is also requiring one .. ( sadly hard to fit all the good mods in lol ) please ?
